Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Welcome to the Pity Party!

Disclaimer: This post violates all the rules for the Christmas season, especially being grateful for what you have. I really have no reason to be complaining. I have heat in my house (knock on wood), a wonderful family, amazing friends, a car (...to malfunction. Read on.), etc. But I was inspired to write this blog while playing my 532th game of Solitaire this week, which I had switched to after playing my 343th game of Tetris (Freetetris.org. Knock yourself out!). So here it is... my ranting blog about my blessed life! Ridiculous, I know. But just humor me.


These last several days have been quite exciting. Not exciting as in the "time flies when you're having fun" exciting. Exciting as in - could this week go any slower?! After having a somewhat boring couple of weeks due to finishing most of my assignments early (who said the early bird catches the worm?! They lied!), this last weekend I was more house-bound than I would have liked. I tried to study, listened to Christmas music 24/7, tried to practice self-control with all the Christmas goodies around, and yes, did manage to get out of the house a couple of times. But I was a little restless and the time did drag.

Yesterday morning, I found out at 6:45am (just as I was getting ready to head out the door) that school was delayed two hours, so our dreaded 8am final was moved to Wednesday. Today, as I have been doing the last several mornings, I woke up way before my alarm clock. I had a leisurely breakfast, did some exercises in the living room, watched The Today Show and an episode of The Cosby Show, did a little more cleaning up on my room, stopped the mail... finally, it was time to go to school to work out, go to work, and head to my final. Yippee! Something to do! I got all bundled up and almost cheerfully went out to "preheat" my car.

All would have been well if my car would have started! My battery is dead. That is why now, instead of exercising and/or working, I am STILL sitting on my butt, waiting for AAA to come and give me a jump start. Most of you know that I cannot tolerate car-related stress. My coping strategies include crying and calling my dad. Check, and check.

That being said, I am VERY grateful my battery died when I was home and not stranded somewhere (pretty much anywhere else would have been far worse). I could have locked my keys in my car and been locked out of my house on this lovely -30 degree weather. We may not have had AAA. My dad might have been out of the office, vacationing in Peru when I desperately needed his advice and encouragement. My 12pm final could have been one that I actually had to go to (we were just having a discussion- my professor said to "try my best to make it there."). Yes, things could be far, FAR worse.

Let's just take a minute to enjoy the irony, however. Just over 24 hours ago I called my dad and exclaimed "I LOVE MY CAR!" after it made it up the hill to school. As we trudged up the hill, I literally cooed to my car (aloud) "You can do it! You are such a good, good car!"

But I guess everyone has their "off" days.

Get it?! Off. Battery is dead... car is off.

I'm loopy.

Here' s hoping the crazy WA/OR weather doesn't interfere with my flight home tomorrow night.


Afton said...

I really wanted to read about all your woes, but kind of got distracted at "freetetris." And just when I was wondering what I would do this afternoon!

Actually, I did read the rest of your post and have to agree, your dad is pretty great when it comes to rescuing people from car troubles.

Heather said...

I'm SO sorry--all I can say is...home is calling & you are almost ready to answer. ;) (Cheesy, but true.) See you so soon. Love you!

Kristina said...

How is your car now? I can relate to the fine balance between loving and hating your car. I'm afraid to get too attached to Haiku because I know he will die, like, tomorrow.